Place born
Organisation / Person
1836-1917, physician, British

Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett

1836 - 1917

active 1828-1947, marine & aeronautical navigational instrument maker, London, England, British

Henry Hughes and Son Limited

1828 - 1947

Parkes, Alexander

1813 - 1890

1819-1868, dentist who used anaesthetic; physician, American

Morton, William Thomas Green

1819 - 1868

1827-1912, surgeon; physician; developer of a system of antiseptic surgery, English; British

Lister, Joseph

1827 - 1912

1818-1865, physician, Hungarian

Semmelweis, Ignaz Philipp

1818 - 1865

1838-1907, chemist, English; British

Perkin, Sir William Henry

1838 - 1907

active 1829-1895, microbiologist; chemist, French

Pasteur, Louis

1822 - 1895

active 1829-1928, surgical instrument maker, London, England, British

Arnold and Sons

1829 - 1928

1813-1979, manufacturer, Birmingham, Warwickshire, England, British

W and T Avery Limited

1813 - 1979

Swan, Joseph Wilson

1828 - 1914

1829-1901, physiologist, German

Fick, Adolf Eugen

1829 - 1901

1815-1852, mathematician; computer pioneer, British

Lovelace, Ada

1815 - 1852

Brunel, Isambard Kingdom

1806 - 1859

active 1834-1981, manufacturers of glass, Barnsley, England

Wood Brothers Glass Company Limited

1834 - 1981

1813-1858, anaesthetist; epidemiologist; physician, British; English

Snow, John

1813 - 1858

1837-c.1969, optical instrument manufacturer, London, England

W Watson and Sons Limited

1837 - 1969

1820-1910, reformer of Army medical services and of nursing, British; English

Nightingale, Florence

1820 - 1910

1825-about 1980s, manufacturer, West Bromwich, Sandwell, West Midlands, England, British

George Salter and Company

1825 - 1990

1832-2002, manufacturer, Newton-le-Willows, England

The Vulcan Foundry

1832 - 2002

1836-1906, camera manufacturer, Northern Irish; British

McKellen, Samuel Dunseith

1836 - 1906

1818-1984, lock and safe manufacturer, England, British

Chubb and Son's Lock and Safe Company Limited

1818 - 1984

active 1878-1911, scientific instrument manufacturer, London, England

Hicks, James Joseph

1837 - 1916

1818-1889, physicist, English, British

Joule, James Prescott

1818 - 1889

1819-1999, submarine engineers, manufacturer of diving and breathing apparatus, United Kingdom

Siebe Gorman and Company Limited

1819 - 1999

1819-1867, inventor; sewing machine pioneer, American

Howe, Elias

1819 - 1867

1822-1911, biostatistician, human geneticist & eugenicist, English, British

Galton, Sir Francis

1822 - 1911

1827-1894, active 1854, sewing machine manufacturer, British

Wilson, William Newton

1827 - 1894

1820-1962, periodical and magazine, London

John Bull Magazine

1820 - 1962

1816-1968, manufacturer of pharmaceutical products, Edinburgh, Scotland

Duncan Flockhart and Company Limited


Inventor of the modern knuckle coupler. 1831-1912

Eli Hamilton Janey

1831 - 1912

active 1826-1879, wax modeller, English; British

Towne, Joseph

1806 - 1879

active 1832-1922, optician & mathematical instrument maker, Dublin, Ireland

Yeates and Son

1832 - 1922

1810-1882, plumber; sanitary engineer, British

Jennings, George

1810 - 1882

1810-c. 1960, poster printer; printer, Dunstable and London

Waterlow and Sons Limited


Mudd, James

1821 - 1906

1835-1955, opticians, optics and photographic and camera maker, Birmingham

J Lancaster and Son

1835 - 1955

1828-1918, manufacturer of engines; manufacturer of agricultural machinery, Grantham, England

R. Hornsby and Sons Limited

1828 - 1918

1833 - 1883, inventor; engineer, British; English

Vansittart, Henrietta

1833 - 1883

1826-, printer, Derby

Bemrose and Sons Limited


1832-1928, musical instrument and phonogram manufacturer, London

Barnett Samuel and Sons Limited

1832 - 1928

1812-1887, journalist; author; playwright, British.

Mayhew, Henry

1812 - 1887

1835-1992, lithographer; engraver; printer, Glasgow

MacLure and MacDonald

1835 - 1992

Hofmann, August Wilhelm von

1818 - 1892

1839-current (2020), manufacturer of pharmaceuticals; chemist; druggist, Brighton & Barnstaple, Eng

Arthur H Cox and Company Limited


active 1824-1963, glass manufacturer, Smethwick, Staffordshire, England, British

Chance Brothers Limited

1824 - 1963

1839-1932, shipping company, British

Royal Mail Steam Packet Company

1839 - 1932

1839-1902, manufacturing jeweller; goldsmith; silversith, London, England

Phillips Brothers and Sons

1839 - 1902

Maxim, Hiram Stevens

1840 - 1916

Dancer, John Benjamin

1812 - 1887